1. Walk. You can walk around the block, walk around your house, or even march in place while watching tv. Who says you need a treadmill?
2. Take the stairs. Instead of the elevator take the stairs, or if you have stairs at home you can use them to exercise on. Just go up and down 10 - 20 times.
3. Take the longest route possible. When going shopping, and if you're not in a hurry, try to park as far away as you can. The extra walking from the parking lot to the store will be great for you.
4. Use a chair for exercise. You can do an entire exercise routine just using a chair. Youtube has some great videos that can show you how. Just do a search for "chair exercise."
5. Strength train your upper body with just a pair of hand weights. If you don't have hand weights try using soup or vegetable cans.
6. Put a little elbow grease into it. Give your house that extra scrubbing it's been needing all while giving your body fat an extra scrubbing as well :-)!
7. Do some crunches. You don't need a special machine to work out that belly flab. Just get on the floor and do some old fashioned crunches!
8. Do something fun like play volleyball, tennis, or even go for a bike ride. You will easily trick your body into thinking you're having fun instead of getting healthy exercise!
9. Dance! Put on some upbeat gospel music and go to it. Just make sure nobody is watching lol.
10. Play with your children (or play like a kid again). Play tag, jump rope, throw the ball around, jump on the bed (shhhh I won't tell). Who says the fun has to stop just because you're an adult?
11. Waiting for the dryer or microwave to stop? Do some stretches or march in place while you wait.
12. Don't leave the hard stuff just for the guys. You can take out the garbage, cut the grass, or rake leaves too!
13. Go shopping. Go to a museum. Just get out and move! Exercise doesn't have to be complicated or require fancy equipment. All you need for a healthier body is to move it!