1. SparkPeople - Free online diet community with blogs, journals, calorie tracking etc.
2. Calorie King - Find the calories to all your favorite foods.
3. Livin La Vida Low Carb - This blog belongs to a man named Jimmy Moore who lost a ton of weight following a low carb diet. He's entertaining to read, inspirational and knowledgeable. (Thanks for the plug Jimmy! - Just returning the favor :-)
4. FitDay - I feel like I can't brag enough about FitDay. The free online journal is awesome in itself but if you haven't already I highly recommend downloading the pc version. I love having my own personal diet journal right on my computer and for the low price (around $20) it is definitely worth it.
5. Aimee's Adventures - Aimee's website has been a favorite of mine for years. She has a ton of great recipes, a blog and there is a free message board too.
6. Full of Faith (or full of food?) - A christian site about overcoming food addiction. I've found some very inspirational things on there.
7. Eating Low with Amy - Here's another one who took the weight off following a low carb plan. She has her own recipes (most of them low carb but yummy) with videos of her actually preparing the recipes.
8. Grocery Coupon Guru - A great blog that posts where to find the latest deals and grocery coupons online.
9. Hungry Girl - Interesting website that deilvers a daily diet digest straight to your inbox in her own fun quirky way.
10. Hassle Me - A new website that offers a free nagging service to remind you to eat healthy and exercise (or anything else you may need nagged about). I haven't tried this one yet but I like the concept.
11. My Virtual Model - Make your own personal virtual model to compare with. See how you'll look at a certain weight or use it to track your progress visually.
12. 3 Fat Chicks - Offers diet advice, articles, recipes, forums, online journals, and much more.
13. Workoutz - Free online exercise videos.
Great resources! Thank you for the list. You can see my Thursday 13 at http://www.besthomeschoolplace.com
Great list! I haven't seen all of those, so I'll have to check them out. I, too, love fitday. It is by far my favorite of the sites that do that kind of thing. Have you tried Traineo? I like the layout of it a lot, but it doesn't have the food input section, so I use fitday for that!
Happy TT!
Great list.
I LOVE Fitday! I came across it a couple years ago and my list of "custom" foods is nearly 2 pages long now. Great list!
Thanks for listing these. Many of them I did not know about. I'm going to wander around your site now. Have a great day!
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