1. Find something to occupy your time.
2. Go for a walk or go outside. Sunshine and fresh air do wonders for a down mood. Sunshine or light is often prescribed to people with depression. My mood is certainly better on sunny days than on dreary ones.
3. Work on a hobby like sewing, crocheting, or drawing and painting.
4. Talk to someone even if it's just over the phone or finding a partner to chat with online.
5. Write! Journal your feelings in a diary or in a blog. You can even write songs or poetry - anything that helps let the emotion out.
6. Exercise. Good heart pumping exercise is known to release endorphins (feel good horomones) and can make you feel better almost instantly.
7. Spend time with friends or family, go shopping or just hang out.
8. Sing, or play an instrument. Even listening to good music can soothe your soul.
9. Make lists. If it's something you're worrying about write it out in list form and cross off all of the things that aren't as important as you thought. Just writing it down can help alleviate some of the mental stress.
10. Go for a scenic drive. Taking in all of God's beauty can uplift you!
11. Take a long hot bubble bath or a very hot shower and let the heat help to relax you and the water to help cleanse you physically and mentally. Drop some aromatherapy tabs in the tub and let the scent help relax you and put you in a better mood.
12. Play a game with your family or children. Laughter certainly is good medicine!
13. Pray and read your bible. "Take it to the Lord in prayer" - that is a line from "What a friend we have in Jesus" and it is certainly true. No greater friend do we have than the Lord. Who understands our sorrows more than our very own Creator who dealt with grief beyond our comprehension?
Great List!
Someday someone will crack the secret of why human beings can't deprogram themselves from eating too much when food is plentiful. Seems like we just weren't designed for an age of plentiful and cheap food.
1. Well, I don't exactly have to FIND it, it sort of jumps at me from the minute I get up...
2. But it's cold out there... Just kidding! But I have to put my snow suit on. And have you ever noticed, that trying to walk up a snowy hill is not the easiest of tasks..
3. If only I had the time...
4. My finance and I talk for hours everyday so I am doing good there!
5. I do that. All of that.
6. Does chasing kids through the snow count? Oh and I do go swimming every week.
7. I try to but everybody is always sooooo busy...
8. Well, I am back in a choir and I play the alto recorder and the piano so check and check!
9. I am terrible at lists! Can't even write a shopping list and actually remember to take it along...
10. No problem there since I go for a scenic drive every time I drive anywhere! Helps living in a paradise!
11. Only one problem with that. Long, relaxing baths are out of the question due to constant interruptions by children. Ever noticed how they as soon as you are in the bathroom have something really important that they have to tell you. Right now!!!!
12. No problem. Hey, the kids even play poker and black jack with us. Hones their mathematical skills! :-) Oh, not for money of course! Anyways, if we did play for money I would be even poorer than I am now...
13. Hmm, I must say, that I never found much help in reading the bible. I much rather sit on top of a mountain (as we do have quite a few here in the alps) and marvel at gods wonders!
Happy TT!
What about curling up with a good book?
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