Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday Motivation & Joy Update - Guest Author
(A little reminder to the J.O.Y. women - Tomorrow is the last Tuesday of the month which means that we have a meeting tomorrow night. Hope to see you all there!)
This week's post comes from a friend of mine named Rachel who has set out on a quest to get healthy with the help of the Lord. She has lost quite a bit of weight and I am very impressed by her progress. Go give her some props for a job well done here at her myspace page and don't forget to leave her some awesome comments about how you love this blog posting!
Here is what Rachel has to say:
Maintaining Motivation in a Self-Pleasing World…
“Today is the day! Today is the day! Today is the day I begin my diet!” I’ve told this to myself a thousand times. A thousand times I’ve tried, and I’ve probably lost half myself over my lifetime, only to find more and more of me along the way.
I am overweight.
And, even though I’ve said it before…today is the day to begin my diet. Finding motivation was easy…I simply stood in front of a mirror and sized myself up. It took a while. I am definitely overweight. I turn from side to side. Yup. Overweight and at risk for health problems later on in life. That’s all the motivation I needed!
But, the day rolls on and life is running a hundred miles an hour. Slowly the plans I had made at 6am are fading away as I jump in the truck and think to myself, “Oh, I’ll just grab drive-thru on the way. Tonight I’ll eat a healthy dinner and make up for it.” For the thousandth time I’ve started out with good intentions and so easily gave in to easier and quicker choices.
But, not today. Today I began to really think about motivation and what it takes to set, make and achieve a goal. I think to myself of the lifestyle that we life. We fear the Lord, we honor him and his word. There are dozens of temptations out there and we bypass every single one of them. Why should dieting be any different? I didn’t go crazy, lose my mind or start condemning doughnuts back to wherever it was they came from…I simply decided to focus on the good things that God gave us, and let these things be what gives me life.
I had to decide to “eat to live” and not “live to eat.” I’d heard it before. It’s good advice. I think I’ll practice that today. Sure, it’s a self-pleasing world, and it’s so very easy to reach for things that are quick (and taste so very, very yummy), but that’s not what my body needs. I need vitamins and minerals. I need fresh fruits, veggies and a whole lot less grease and fats!
I started at the fast food restaurant where it seems that every greasy choice is set to doom my newly-adapted healthy lifestyle. I found a grilled chicken sandwich. I ordered it without the honey mustard and just put on a little bit of bbq sauce (½ the container). I got a side salad instead of fries, and used ½ a packet of dressing. Healthier choices, better for my body, better for me. It wasn’t so hard after all. Do I need french fries? Nope. I don’t need the calories or the grease. I think about my poor little heart and what I’m trying to feed myself. I think about the size of my little stomach in there and suddenly an entire plate of food seems overwhelming for my body to try and process. I cut back, I push away, I trim down what I consume.
And, it works.
I add in a little bit of exercise to strengthen my muscles and increase my metabolism. A walk with a friend, playing with my niece and nephew in the yard, a game of racquetball with my cousin. I check the scales a few weeks later…wow…it’s working! Right then and there I set myself on a course of better choices. Why? Because it works!
It’s been 3 ½ months and my scale says I’ve lost 32 lbs. My clothes fit better, I’ve gotten a few compliments and I feel a whole lot better about myself. I need to lose more, so I’ll continue to count every little calorie and work on strengthening myself along the way with some exercise. I am thankful for every day the Lord gives us, for every blessing he sends, and every meal he provides. I’ll try not to be ungrateful and I’ll try not to be selfish and self-pleasing. I’ll try to take care of my body and feed it all the good things he gave us. It’s not a glamorous plan, and the weight isn’t going to come off like magic. But, with a little bit of perseverance, I’m becoming a better, more healthier me.
(Recipe recommendation: Use applesauce instead of oil in your baked goodies.
It tastes just as well and saves on the fat and calories!)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Extending the right hand of authorship
Ok I have finally had to give in to the fact that I just cannot keep up with this blog, or any of my blogs in fact, and my real life too. I do not want to see this blog go under or get lost in the endless world of never updated blogs. This blog is very important to me and the idea and concept behind it is truly a blessing to not only myself but to the joy women and to the many of you who have stopped by to visit and leave encouraging comments.
So with that being said I am going to do something that has been on my mind for a while and I feel is the right thing to do to keep this blog going. I want to ask for your help. I am extending an invitation to any of my readers, and my joy women especially, to be a part of this blog by becoming a guest author. This door is open to anyone who is interested in diet, is knowledgeable on the subject, and is able to come at this topic from a christian point of view. I will be accepting articles, personal testimonies, links, bible verses, recipes, food reviews, devotionals, before and after photos, or anything else that you find of interest to post on this blog.
The way this will work is that if you are interested in posting something just send me an email with a copy of what you are wanting to post. If it is suitable for the blog I will post it on here on the appropriate day to keep up with the blog schedule (see right hand side) and I will give you credit and aknowledgement for your post - including a link back to your own blog. I will also contact you to let you know I've accepted your submission and an approximate date and time of when it will be posted.
I am opening this door with the confidence that you all will be able to help me revive this blog and keep it going. So from a humble heart I ask you to please help and a huge thank you in advance!
Here are the guidelines I will be going by:
1. Articles must be diet or christian related, or both.
2. Personal thoughts and devotionals must be diet related with a christian theme.
3. Personal stories and testimonies are gladly welcomed as long as they do not attack any other person or group in any way.
4. Pictures, video, graphics, clipart, or comics will be accepted as long as they are diet related, christian related, and you have sole permission (no copyright infringement) to post them.
5. Before and after pictures are great motivators, and we all want to share in your accomplishments, but please send only modest photos - fully clothed please!
6. Bible verses must be KJV. If possible please change your verse to KJV or I will do this before posting your article. Bible Gateway is an online place to find several bible versions including KJV.
7. For recipes and food reviews please send a picture of the food item with your article. Sorry but no recipes or food reviews will be accepted for the following items: pork products, gelatin (jello), or seafood like shrimp and lobster. For recipes containing these items please make substitutions if possible (example: exchange pork for chicken, bacon for turkey bacon and etc.) Thanks!
8. Your items will be posted on the appropriate day according to the blog schedule. For example if you send me a devotional I will most it on a Monday or a recipe will be posted on a Tuesday. So don't worry if your items do not show up right away, it just may not be time for it yet. If I have not contacted you or posted your item within a week please email me again - your mail may have gotten lost in my spam filters.
To contact me please send an email to: joyfuldieter@yahoo.com
Or if you know me in person (JOY women!) then please contact me at church or at home via phone or email.
I'm looking forward to reading all of your submissions. God bless!