Hey everyone I just wanted to let you know that Joy will be cancelled on Tuesday the 25th due to the passing and funeral of Sister Elsie. Please keep her family in your prayers and I hope to see you all again at JOY in April.
--Don't forget that I need the money for t-shirts by the end of next week!!! I will be placing the order on the 28th!--
I also wanted to announce a new schedule I am making for this blog. It is just a little thing to help keep me organized and on track with posting to this blog. Life got a little hectic and I haven't been able to keep up with the blog like I've wanted too but I am hoping that by having a schedule it will help keep me on track and let you all know what to expect from this blog. Here is the schedule (I will also post this on the right hand side as well):
Mondays - Diet Devotional of the week (The Devotional will also be what we talked about in JOy the previous week) and Weekly Bible Verse.
Tuesdays - Tasty Tuesday (Recipes)
Wednesdays - Wordless Wednesday (An inspiriational, or funny picture)
Thursdays - Thursday 13 (13 diet / health / exercise related topics)
Fridays - Friday Food Review (A new food will be reviewed)
Weekends - Due to my very busy church schedule on weekends (we have a saturday evening, sunday morning and evening service) there will be little to no posts over the weekend except for urgent announcements and occasional interesting tidbits.
Anytime posts - Interesting articles, quotes, bible verses or any other tidbit that is diet related will be posted at various times.
The last Tuesday of the month - This will be reserved for posting about my personal progress and may or may not include a picture :-).
I am always on the search for new and interesting things to add to the blog. If you have any pictures, quotes, articles, funny things, or even recipes that you would like to see posted then feel free to email me at: joyfuldieter@yahoo.com
God Bless!
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