Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Thursday 13 - Reasons you should sponser our March for Babies walk

Please click here to sponser us - even a donation of just $1.00 can help and is very much appreciated! God bless and don't forget to tell your friends about us too.

1. It's for a good cause - saving the lives of premature babies.
2. You will be helping us (the women of JOY) get healthy as we go on the 5 mile walk.
3. It will make you feel good for doing something good!
4. Because each year half a million babies are born prematurely and will have lifelong disabilities or even die and your donation could make a difference!
5. Because your donation of $1.00 may not seem like much but if you combine all of our dollars it can make a big difference in the lives of these babies and their families.
6. Your donation will help us (the women of JOY) be more encouraged in our walk and feel as though we're truly making a difference.
7. You will feel like you are making a difference.
8. Because maybe you've personally had an experience with a premature baby of your own or within your own family and you have seen the hardships and struggles.
9. What better way is there to spend $1.00 today?
10. Because McDonalds and Starbucks would not go broke if you did not give them your money today ;-).
11. Because you will get a nice thank you note (or email) from us with all sincerity!
12. You will also get fame and recognition for your good deeds! We will post a public thank you - along with your name - on this blog and on our March for Babies site: (
13. Because life is precious and short and your donation today could save someone's life tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Done! My pleasure.

Sandee said...

I'll go give a look. All good reasons to donate. Have a great TT. :)

SJ Reidhead said...


The Pink Flamingo

Anonymous said...

What a nice list. I'll check out the donation page.