Thursday, June 4, 2009

JOY Meetings and an update

Hey everyone. I want to apologize for not updating the blog lately but we are in the last 2 weeks of school with the kids. We have to be most of the way finished by next friday and completely finished by the end of the month. So we have been really busy trying to get that all finished along with everything else in life lol. Anyway I have not abandoned you and I will try to start updating this blog more as soon as things are less hectic around here.

In other news I am still trying very hard to stick with my plan. I have now gone back to eating regular foods but I am mixing it with more fruits and veggies and healthier food choices. I am still only at a 19 pound loss total but hopefully I will have a better report at the end of June on this! I am going to go back to the fruits and veggies again next week after I go grocery shopping this weekend.

Now for the Joy meetings. I know that things have been crazy lately and we've had a meeting or two when we shouldn't have but this month we will try to go back to the normal schedule. Unless I tell you otherwise the meetings are always the 2nd and 4th wednesday of the month (unless of course I got this mixed up and it is supposed to be the 1st and the 3rd - please correct me on this if need be lol). So the meetings this month will be June 10th and the 24th. If the weather is nice we will be meeting at the park, the res, or maybe even the local nature trail. I will keep you all updated on this.

God Bless!